četvrtak, 28. listopada 2010.

Rain boots

And here I was thinking we'd seen just about every (fashionable) interpretation of thigh high boots going...Then pops up this to-die-for xD pair of clear plastic boots by Cheap Monday. They look wrong to me >.<.But there's only one question. Who would wear that?

P.s. I think there's even one positive side, they don't hide your legs :D 

Broj komentara: 16:

  1. are they good for fishing too? :D

  2. i think they are made exclusive for fishing ^^

  3. weird. you mights as well wear sandals instead

  4. These ar cute I don't know what you're talking about. I'm buying a pair RIGHT now just to prove you wrong! I'll upload a picture as soon as they arrive.

  5. nice legs, when do they open ? :D :D :D :D

  6. I like them on her, but im a guy

  7. Lol Unlogic.. :P Yeah.. I don't really the a point in this kind of style either.. But if you wore sandels you'd get colder I guess? >.<

  8. Whoa these are extreme boots. I know you can pull it off!
